Another more detailed analysis of the images published legally Dawn. The Host Movie Taken and Translation Source: Journal
Twilight Original Source: Examiner
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Foforks Note Intro:
§ w £ € t ßêllð legal Since the publication of new images of Dawn have left out the same analysis, if you go this part of the book, which lacks this, which are very cute and cuddly, well, have looked very good and if I am going to such analysis and q almost coincide with each other. So this time I bring a new analysis by Examiner that makes it more detailed and really had not realized a few things written there.
Here is the analysis, enjoy it and wait to kill q q with the first trailer premiered very soon.
Hey, guys. As announced here, we had the opportunity to see new stills from the beautiful sunrise that have spread worldwide since they were published. As the excitement is very great site examiner has made a report, commenting photo by photo, each of the images that were released from the film, only to leave us with mouth watering look forward to seeing more. The costumes, the scenes assumptions, etc. *-*
Close inspection of the new stills of Dawn - Part 1
Some details of new stills have been presented and discussed, and the fact that Gaius (Jamie Campbell Bower) is also present in the image of the Volturi, or Irina (Maggie Grace) is the Denali clan, all arranged for the wedding of Bella and Edward. However, there are some elements that we had not noticed, and since this is our specialty, so ... Here we go!
In the first image, Bella (Kristen Stewart) seems to bring a sheet or gown and looking a little surprised. Both she and Edward (Robert Pattinson) with, say, wild hair, and it seems that casting the fabric down a bit to take a look at his back. Based on these facts, it is speculated that this image can be from the time they both discover the consequences of their first experience ... [sexual]. Although nose feathers can be seen directly in the picture, there is a good chance this time coincides with that. It is only a guess. Do you agree?
The second speaks for itself. Bella and Edward stood in the middle of the square in Lapa, Brazil (as we had seen before), colanse to see a few kisses to the crowd. Thousands of extras were needed to fund this scene, so a lot of Twilight fans Brazilians have to see this moment before his eyes. It looks very nice, is not it?
Third is the image that already discussed in the lair of "Volturi" with "Ring" (Michael Sheen) to receive your invitation to the wedding. A new notation can be done about the image is how different are the accessories (ie, chairs, walls, soil) compared with New Moon. Presumably, then it is another level of your castle Volterra - and a decidedly darker.
The following is the "Alice" (Ashley Greene), with his hair cut very short (and more attached to the description of the book, even when they did so), with Bella. This moment is very clear in the film. With all hairbrushes and makeup utensils in sight, this is clearly the moment she is preparing for her wedding Bella. It is difficult to say whether this means that this is the bridesmaid dress Alice. His description is as follows, in history. " A dress that flowed down her slender body like a silver waterfall "So, do you think? Or is it just a nice coat?
The fifth photo is of "Carmen" (Mia Maestro) and "Eleazar" (Christian Camargo), and match their personality more than you might suspect irst glance. Let's see what indicating the Twilight Saga Wiki:
Eleazar's gift is the identification of any special skills in vampires. Eleazar think it is a "malpractice" because no two capabilities work the same way. His ability to read power is, like many other gifts, weaker human beings, so it is limited in this regard and requires total concentration on your part to identify potential gifts.
Does not it seem that this very concentrated in this picture?
Meanwhile, Carmen is described as "very gentle, kind, and a very maternal person" and its expression is true to form, in this sense, right?
In the following, Bella was eating breakfast and chatting with his personal chef and husband, Edward Cullen. Are clearly interested in the conversation they are having. I guess this comes at some point after the first (already discussed above), at some point in the "diversion" from the honeymoon.
For the following, which are playing chess on the Isle Esme, who seem much more relaxed and it almost seems as if this could be moments of tenderness when they overcome their obstacles. But maybe not, maybe this is one of the highlights of Bella trying to be seductive. His posture and dazed lend to that theory.
The next, ah the waterfall. . . Edward's face this serious conflict. I think willpower is exceeding Bella in this case.
The ninth shows some of the girls Denali - "Irina", "Kate" (Casey Labow), and "Tanya" (MyAnna Burying) - with "Esme (Elizabeth Reaser). I'm not a flower expert, but are not seen in the background, like white lilacs? Lilac, orange, roses, freesias and flowers that are described in the book.
The following, in which "Jacob" (Taylor Lautner) making your wedding invitation and starts to run in the rain, it could be that moment when he has had enough and going on their own for a while, or it could be his way of surprising Bella with a dance. What do you think it is?
Finally, Jacob and his motorcycle. The consternation in the face is unmistakable. I think it will make a visit to her friend Bella, and is not convinced that this still alive, in this case.