Saturday, October 30, 2010
How To Cut An Anarkali Churidar
Thursday, October 14, 2010
What Type Of Guitar Does Shakira Have

denies Platform Ujaldón Enrique statements in which blame the association for the preservation of the garden of Murcia, Huermur the delay in the declaration of San BIC Esteban.
The Platform for the Defence of the Archaeological Heritage of San Esteban rejects the statements of the Director General of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage Ujaldón Enrique Benítez on Saturday October 9 at the opening of Manifesta 8, in which he blamed the delay in the declaration of St. Stephen's BIC archaeological Huermur the action brought by and waiting for the answer from the experts.
The Platform states that:
1. The resource is no impediment to Huermur BIC declare the site of San Esteban, since that appeal and receive a response May 13, the date from which the silence of the Administration means the dismissal of the appeal and therefore that is the answer, according to the Administrative Procedure Law 30/92 Article 115.2, as the Act clearly expressed within three months of the Administration to respond to a remedy of appeal.
2. Have fulfilled all the conditions for the declaration of BIC, since they have the support of the Advisory Institutions and that is what establishes the Heritage Act.
3. The statement of St. Stephen BIC archaeological site, to ensure that if in the vicinity of the archaeological site belonging to appear "Arrabal the Arrixaca "had all the same protection as the site of San Esteban.
4. The Platform wants to remember that soon will be a year since it began proceedings to declare San Esteban of cultural interest, without having had so far not even a decent protection. Emphasizes the possibility that he might suffer the same fate that more than 200 records BIC expired during the tenure of Lord Ujaldón such as: the Teatro Cervantes de Abarán, the parish church of San Bartolomé de Librilla, the palatial residence of the Marquis of Rozalejo in San Javier or the Building "La Tercia" (Palace of the Knights of Santiago) in Caravaca de Cross. If this happens the site would be administratively unprotected.
Platform For all these require the Director General of Fine Arts BIC declaring the site of San Esteban at the earliest, as they meet all the requirements set by the Law on Cultural Heritage in the Region of Murcia.
Other important information
- Appeals to the height of Huermur came shortly after the opening of the record of San Esteban, 23 February 2010. Under Article 115 of Law 30/92 of administrative procedure, this is the last 'obstacle' that can make the decision to open the site BIC St. Stephen and is void to spend 3 months of its submission.
Article 115. Deadlines.
1. The deadline for filing the administrative appeal is one month, if the act is explicit. If it were not, the term shall be three months and will, for the applicant and other interested parties, from the day following that on which, according to their specific rules, will result in the effects of administrative silence. After this period without having filed the appeal, the decision shall be final for all purposes.
2. The deadline for issuing and notifying the resolution is three months. After this time no decision is reached, can understand the appeal dismissed, except in the case provided in Article 43.2, second paragraph.
3. against the decision of an administrative appeal will not fit any other administrative appeal, except for special review resources in cases provided for in Article 118.1.
also be the reason for the action of Huermur was to extend the protection of the site to surrounding areas and never doubted the interest and value in the Andalus district. Being part of an urban area, it is logical that in the vicinity of St. Stephen is the extension and even the remains of the ancient wall suburb, whose perimeter had to be extended with the discovery of SanEsteban with respect to the hypothesis posed earlier by historians. As we all know, the walls are declared immediately BIC throughout the English territory.
- The options that were considered by the Directorate General of BB.AA, according to Mr. Ujaldón are:
a) Monument: the construction or work product of human activity, of outstanding historical, architectural, artistic, archaeological, ethnographic, scientific, industrial, technical or social, including furniture, fixtures and fittings expressly indicate as an integral part of it, and that in itself constitutes a single unit.
b) Garden history: the designated area, the product of man-management of natural elements, sometimes supplemented by masonry structures, and estimated interest on the basis of their origin or past historical or aesthetic values, sensory or botanical .
c) Archaeological Zone: the place or natural setting in which real or personal property are subject to be studied in archaeological methodology, as if they were on the surface and underground or underwater.
The site of St. Stephen was not finished digging, so clearly framed in the third option: ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE. The choice of historic garden is ridiculous, because there are no natural elements order (during the construction of parking all vegetation was removed from the site) and the meaning of the monument is too vague to what the suburb of Arrixaca need.
- The following links you can check for opening many files BIC initiated by the Directorate of BB.AA which lapsed in recent months:
BORM November 12, 2009 Abarán Teatro Cervantes, Parish Church of St. Bartolomé de Librilla and House-Palace of the Marquis of San Javier Rozalejo
BORM December 11, 2009 Resolution declaring the forfeiture of an action of BIC for the building "La Tercia" (Palace of the Knights of Santiago), Caravaca de la Cruz
BORM November 21, 2009 Tower of Albuquerque in Aljucer (Murcia), Wheel of Lorquí, meadow and the Roman villa at The Cypress, in Jumilla, etc.
- Liaison statements Ujaldón: Murcia 20 minutes
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Denise Milani Tractor
The Civic Platform has attended the opening of Manifesta 8 to demand that the site of St. Stephen is said BIC. The platform does not understand that having in his possession has long been favorable reports statement of cultural interest from several advisory bodies, the competent authorities continue to drag their feet on this issue.

The platform has distributed leaflets to inform citizens of different countries on the current status of the site and our concern for the state in which it is located. These have shown a real interest as Hedwig Fix (director of Manifesta), journalists, government delegate, council and other public figures.

Thursday, October 7, 2010
What Do Motor Cycle Tire Size Mean
¿Protegen o entierran el Barrio Andalusí y Complejo Palatinado de San Esteban?
Algunas fotos que ilustran los trabajos llevados a cabo este verano. ¿Donde esta la excavación continuada que propusieron los expertos? ¿ Y la capa de arena defendida por Ujaldón después de la paralización de las obras del parquing?. ¿Realmente protege un sistema que sigue dejando a la vista una imagen desoladora del yacimiento cuando llueve?

96.5 Degrees Is My Standard Temp.
Pese a no existir una legislación on this matter, there are some guidelines for proper preservation of archaeological remains after excavation and documentation, for a future museological and value. Conservatives and technicians the Directorate-General has called for these guidelines in many other sites in our region, which has acted to protect its contents. The paper concludes with specific examples illustrate asjuntamos even a fragment of a decree of the Junta de Andalucía concerning this subject, as an example of support for the Act to these guidelines.
For good practice in the protection measures of a site, the remains should be protected by a sheet geotextile placed directly on the surface to be protected, a layer of sand sterile, washed sand or sand quarry of at least 20 centimeters in direct contact with this sheet of geotextile, and finally, a layer of gravel, to retain the sand layer. This ensures good drainage system.
The reasons why the use of this sand layer is highly recommended and necessary are:
1. The sand "molds" to shape the structures so that these are fully wrapped and protected without undue coercion. It also represents a layer "padded" in order to protect the rear shock and / or pressure.
2. Sand NOT BREAK THE GEOTEXTILE, gravel itself (angled), and also affect the structures leaving marks. In the case of the archaeological site of San Esteban (which appear in the photograph attached) gravels are of a thickness exceeding 20 mm and is not boulders, and thus has sharp edges defendants and harmful to the reservoir.
3. The gravel, leaving large spaces, not avoiding stagnation of water, so the problem persists before the storms and floods. The sand also promotes the absorption of water from the geotextile that is directly in contact with the remains, if not, the water just disappears into the costly process of evaporation, while leaving small puddles on the geotextile.
4. In the case of San Esteban, in the absence of the recommended layer of sand, gravels have been throwing about the site from a height above the meter, so it is easy to imagine the effect of a cascade of angular gravel and heavy on delicate limestone floors and walls of adobe.
5. When removing the protective layer, the layer of sand makes the process infinitely less expensive in time and money. The gravel can be removed in a natural way without fear of damaging the remains, while the sand comes out alone to remove the geotextile.
If the aim is a temporary protection in the face of a future draft musealization and excavation do not understand this kind of protection that the remains buried under layers of gravel only, not easily removed without damaging the site and do not guarantee its defense against long action in time of rain.
Ujaldón interview in which the college of architects say what to do in St. Stephen. There is an important phrase "It's protected with geotextile and sand parts
already completed, finish digging and protect those who are medium and
not act on that have not been initiated, as the best means of protection"
"The experts ruled cover the site with geotextile, sand and gravel , as advised by the technicians of Fine Arts," it would be a hiatus for recovery and to ultimately hurt conservation "as well would be "much more expensive and slow" , as he said the commission spokesman, Antonio Malpica, Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Granada " / 12/expertos-impiden-cubra-arena-san-esteban/222767.html
To avoid this geotextile - Widely used in archeology but also in construction - to adhere to the pavement, will spread a thin layer of washed river sand mixed with herbicide . Http://
"We place a synthetic fabric (geotextile) that bypasses root and allow perspiration. On this tissue apply a layer of washed sand and pressed with fungicide to prevent the spread of plants " 20POBLADO.pdf 20PALERAS%
"Finally, after completing the excavation process and have made the different
documentation: photography, mapping, surveying, well Notebook
excavation proceeds to the covering of the remains found by a layer
geotextile on which are placed about 20 cm
. washed sand. In those areas where there are tile floors
increases the level of sand to avoid disruptions and to remain in good condition
until the next Campaign
successfully completed many examples within the archeology of this region, where heritage has been protected by geotextile and sand ( Roman mosaics in Mazarrón, Teatro de Cartagena, Canvas wall of the square found Romea Excavations in the Path of Granada, and a very long and so on. ).
Decree 57/2010 of 2 March, which falls within the general catalog of the Andalusian heritage as a Site of Cultural Interest, with the type of archaeological site:
9.3. Preventive measures for the conservation of the recovered assets will initially be the following: Covering
by geotextile clean sand and gravel of the archaeological structures. Given its characteristics and the basis of forecasts to be determined against them, other materials may be used if it is deemed appropriate for preservation, as the homeland of the excavation. Covering
archaeological structures with geotextile and protection of archeological cuts planks of wood or other material that will ensure conservation without burial. Http://
-bounded-term-municipal-Valencina-concepcion-Castillejo-guzman-sevilla / # C2