public platform created to protect the remnants of al-Andalus suburb of San Esteban with the LIM (Laboratory of Intervention Metropolitan) have arranged for next Sunday, May 9, from 11: 00 hours, a walk through the center of Murcia called 'Shaping Walls', which will follow the path describing the ancient wall that protected the city in times of Arab rule.
The visit, free of charge, will be the starting point of Spain and travel Glorieta part of the route of the ancient wall, while members of the platform, explaining to passers features spectacular defensive installation marking the perimeter of Mursiya since the ninth century.
At present, the perimeter of the walls of the medina is about 7.5 kilometers in diameter. However, recent discoveries of San Esteban, the perimeter of the suburb has expanded and it remains to determine its true dimensions.
During the tour, shall specify the approximate location of the different gates of the city and will visit those parts of the wall that can be visited, as in the Market area of \u200b\u200bVerona, in the chapel del Pilar and Santa Eulalia. The activity will continue throughout the month of May, including other tracks as the wall's western suburbs and the passage of the ditch AljufĂa the city.
The Platform has created a Facebook event, with the name of 'Shaping Walls', where you can access the map with the proposed route and the latest developments on this initiative.
San Esteban Lim
What : 'Shaping Walls', a tour of the city center along the perimeter of the ancient wall. Who
: Civic Platform, for the Conservation of Archaeological Heritage of San Esteban and LIM.
When: Sunday, May 9, from 11:00 hours.
Where: La Glorieta in Spain will be the starting point.
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