Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Petsmart Teeth Cleaning

The Platform supports the visits to the site, but denounces the poor condition of facilities
Neither the contractor nor the institutions have done, yet, any initiative to convert remains in a safe area or visited
Platform Heritage in defense of San Esteban welcomes the warm reception given to the initiative of the guided visits to the site, but denounced the deplorable conditions that these visits are being made.
Thus, poor general appearance of the facility for visits enabled the improper attachment of the protective fencing electrical cables or water pumps and the state of abandonment of the remains, not only cause a bad impression to visitors, but can be dangerous for people who come to admire the grandeur of the remains found in heart of the city.
Platform regrets the poor condition of the facility. The site is displayed in a painful condition or assist in the preservation of the remains and put them in value, which can cause a bad impression on visitors, both Murcia and outside the Region.
addition, the dirt and disorder reigned in the installation. During this visit, we can see the amount of waste and other objects scattered throughout the archaeological zone.
Moreover, the spring rains have caused small 'lakes' on the areas covered with tarps over hundreds of floating leaves.
also cables and drive mechanisms installed water pumps to stop the flooding of the reservoir, located along the route of the tour, pose a danger to visitors, especially children, who may suffer electric shock if by mistake or ignorance touch these cables.
The Platform also regrets that neither the competent institutions and the contractor have made the minor adjustment of the area into a visitable environment, we assume that the rush in your installation, the same day that several members of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts S. Fernando turned visit to Murcia authorities and the reservoir. Thus, not only fences are unsightly and dangerous work - as they are completed in addition to being wrong end fixed to the floor, which has already caused a fall and stumble among the visitors, but that the area remain the posters reminding helmet law (that certainly is not delivered to the input), and other items specific to a work of an important monument.
addition, one of the walls of the houses located in the reservoir has been propped up with a poster filled with graffiti, causing an unfortunate impression visitors.
Also across the site are scattered several boxes full of debris (unclassified) and poles down in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cemetery, and two walls collapsed, who do not speak, but the general neglect in which the finding is this monumental .
The Platform calls for booth information is transferred outside the gate, so that people who come to learn not have to shout to attract the attention of those responsible for it.
Finally, the platform calls for the visits to continue while work is in the reservoir, not only during the month that are scheduled, the same way as other excavations are made, where in addition to providing the monument visitors can watch as the research work done on it.
The Platform reiterates its support for the continuation of the visits because they help bring the great discovery in the Garden of San Esteban and strangers, but requested that this be made in a context of security and respect for the site.

Images terrible state of visits (cables to reach, fencing unstable, fallen pillars, dirt ,...)
Friday, May 21, 2010
Laser Manual Sailboat

Big Band (big band ) is an expression English , Which refers to a broad group of jazz musicians , playing together, and may be freely translated as jazz orchestra. They appear as such in the late 1920's , although golden age is the period between 1935 and 1950.
The structure of the big bands has evolved over time, from the bands of ten or eleven members of the initial time of swing, to the great orchestras of over twenty musicians from the years seventy. In any case, essential features of the big bands is the existence of instrumental sections, some of which the same instruments are duplicated.
As a general rule, although there is no single format Big Band usually consists of three sections: Metals ( Horn section ) Timber ( Reeds) and Rhythm . The Metal includes at least three or four trumpets , and two or more trombones (including sometimes a bass trombone). Timber section, usually consists of four or more saxophones (usually a high two tenors and a baritone ), usually alternating with other instument as clarinet and flute . Finally, the accompanying rhythm section is composed of some combination of piano, guitar , under and battery. Therefore, a total of 12 to 17 members.
(Information taken from
The big band is a type of musical ensemble associated with jazz, a style of music Which Became popular During The Swing Era from the early Until the late 1930s 1940s.
In the second half of the Twentieth Century, a standard 17-piece instrumentation evolved, for Which Many Arrangements Are commercial available. This instrumentation Consists of five saxophones (most high Often two, two Tenors , and one baritone), four Trumpets, four trombones (Including one bass trombone) and a four-piece rhythm section (measures of drums, acoustic bass or electric bass, piano and guitar).
(Information taken from
If you want to see how he interprets the song "Sing, sing, sing " LOUIS PRIMA (Sing, sing, sing) The Unsustainable Big Band, click on this link.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What Is The Gauge Of A Safety Pin

Murcia, May 13, 2010
public platform to defend the site of San Esteban (Murcia) requested a meeting with the Heritage Commission of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Murcia. At 17:30 pm on Thursday April 29 met both groups, reaching agreement on the following points:
- consider the complex Palatine and St. Stephen's Andalus district as
a. A Symbolic Space - The discovery Reservoir St. Esteban is a historic opportunity for the city and the region of Murcia in the face to reverse the trend of neglect by the citizens of Andalusian origin and recognition of this and its heritage value by the authorities. Over time have made important interventions in this area, but no effective enhancement to face recognition. B.
A Public Space and Coexistence - The Administration should restore them to provide citizens a public forum usable by all people, in replacement of the old garden of San Esteban, with a unique opportunity to get the double chance with the intervention no only to recover the public space but give it a use and cultural and heritage value. C.
A Citizen Participation space - have to recognize the actions and involvement of citizen participation in decisions taken on the area of \u200b\u200bSan Esteban and the inalienable right of citizens to defend the urban space in which they wish to live. D.
An educational and historical space - suggest the need for that space will be recognized the value as "historical documents", as it will provide new information both historical and urban anthropology, can be a catalyst for research space Medieval Murcia for the educational and cultural institutions like the University of Murcia. To this is added value for tourism, which results in this cultural interest.
- To make the Site of St. Stephen to become in all these areas, we propose the following sequence: a.
Establish a training schedule realistic and appropriate to the means, and purpose intended. B.
Continue excavation as proposed in their day experts meeting at the Palacio de San Esteban with our Community President Mr. Valcárcel, continue with the intervention and protection of different areas in the most convenient, continuing gradually putting in value as determined schedule. C.
Give the field the value of Archaeological Hall, completing all the necessary research and considering it as an area of \u200b\u200bpractical training for university students
d. This enhancement condition must be accompanied by tours and information for successive interventions were visited and understandable for everyone.
- is necessary to create a multidisciplinary team consisting of architects, archaeologists, restorers and conservators or curators especially with a director or coordinator of equipment outside the administrative supervision, to write and run continuously the proposed action and intervention at the site of San Esteban. The project can not be addressed solely from the perspective of conservation, and the need for a comprehensive project to continue the excavation, then move on to the protection, and these two steps being a start value thereof as requested the platform in its submissions to the City Council and the General Directorate of Fine Arts and Cultural Assets. The importance of value as historical documents and continuous knowledge of all factors, is essential to ensure the continuity of the team.
a. The big surprise of the site of St. Stephen with its expansion and maintenance, has been to discover an unknown urban fabric that in a clear, authentic and almost sensory get you closer to understanding the city of Murcia and culture at the time medieval. You have discovered unknown urban developments in the thirteenth century, high degree of development in areas that were thought of little interest. Therefore, the future involvement with the routes for this purpose are established, should serve as a reference center, complementary to the existing Museum (Las Claras, Santa Eulalia, San Juan), for the understanding of the Andalusian city. B.
Previous announced the convening of competition be necessary to complete investigations in the field , in order to clearly define the specification of the same: intentions exhibition, interior routes, stratigraphic interpretation of the excavation, classification and exhibition of pieces uncovered interest, determining the urban fabric, character of the buildings found, possible reconstruction of one of them, possible reconstruction of urban environments, spaces of light, shade areas, precise determination of points of support of new structures. Ultimately clearly define the parameters of what is to expose and as, not having to submit future exposure to a solution reservoir capricious and lack of rigor.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Deere Snowmobile Sale
Works of José Denis Belgrano (1844-1917) on PhotoPeach
Friday, May 7, 2010
Margarita Bucket How Much Tequila

public platform created to protect the remnants of al-Andalus suburb of San Esteban with the LIM (Laboratory of Intervention Metropolitan) have arranged for next Sunday, May 9, from 11: 00 hours, a walk through the center of Murcia called 'Shaping Walls', which will follow the path describing the ancient wall that protected the city in times of Arab rule.
The visit, free of charge, will be the starting point of Spain and travel Glorieta part of the route of the ancient wall, while members of the platform, explaining to passers features spectacular defensive installation marking the perimeter of Mursiya since the ninth century.
At present, the perimeter of the walls of the medina is about 7.5 kilometers in diameter. However, recent discoveries of San Esteban, the perimeter of the suburb has expanded and it remains to determine its true dimensions.
During the tour, shall specify the approximate location of the different gates of the city and will visit those parts of the wall that can be visited, as in the Market area of \u200b\u200bVerona, in the chapel del Pilar and Santa Eulalia. The activity will continue throughout the month of May, including other tracks as the wall's western suburbs and the passage of the ditch Aljufía the city.
The Platform has created a Facebook event, with the name of 'Shaping Walls', where you can access the map with the proposed route and the latest developments on this initiative.
San Esteban Lim
What : 'Shaping Walls', a tour of the city center along the perimeter of the ancient wall. Who
: Civic Platform, for the Conservation of Archaeological Heritage of San Esteban and LIM.
When: Sunday, May 9, from 11:00 hours.
Where: La Glorieta in Spain will be the starting point.