Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Candy Katydids, Purchase

urgent meeting with the Government Delegate in Murcia


Platform citizens in defense of the palace complex and Andalus district of San Esteban, se reunió el día 2 de Marzo con Rafael Martínez Tovar, Delegado del Gobierno en Murcia, para informarle de la situación de abandono total en la que se encuentra el yacimiento por parte de las administraciones local y autonómica y para solicitarle su intermediación y ayuda en la protección urgente del yacimiento.

En la entrevista, miembros de la Plataforma le han expuesto y entregado un informe técnico, en el que se detalla cuál es la importancia histórica y cultural del yacimiento, y un dossier fotográfico que demuestra el estado actual de deterioro del Complejo (muros derrumbados, bombas de achique inundadas, verdín en extensas zonas del yacimiento, etc.)

Interrumpida la excavación on 9 December, the situation of the archaeological site is today an absolute and pressing emergency, and that the continuous rains that have fallen on the site must be added the heavy rains that are expected in coming days and that with the arrival of spring The remains will be irreversibly affected if not done on an emergency basis for adequate protection of the remains.

With the moisture from the ground after continuous rain of three months, the arrival of warm weather will result in the breakdown of soil and debris. Today more than 25% of the reservoir has been severely affected and about 15% of the structures has suffered unrecoverable damage (severe damage painted baseboards, collapse of mud walls, soil degradation and floor covered in mold and mildew ...).

Rafael Tovar Martinez has shown interest for the future of BIC-San Esteban and expressed its contact with the Directorate General of Fine Arts and Cultural Heritage and its Director General Enrique Ujaldón in relation to it. For his part, Martinez Tovar has informed the platform that the Government Office will work, if so requested by the Autonomous Community, the authority responsible for site management, with continuing archaeological excavations and commissioning value of the site under the heading of 1%. Finally

Platform has asked the Deputy that, from his office, is another agent of the public value placed on the site, echoing the historic opportunity, economy, tourism, urban and cultural which is the appearance of some archaeological the self Jose Maria Luzon, Professor of Archaeology and former director of the Prado Museum and the National Archaeological Museum called "gold mine" of unique value in Europe.


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