On December 9, 2010 was held at the Almudena street, "which binds the site (ie the past) with the Gran Via (ie, this)" as described in his article "San Esteban: the struggle continues' our friend Antonio Galiano, the act San Esteban: 8 centuries and 1 year. The following is the full text of the manifesto read by D. Antonio Campillo, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Murcia and contributor to the chart for teachers to lead on San Esteban.
We are here today, called by the Platform Citizens in Defense of the Archaeological Heritage of St. Stephen and all the associations that support us again exercising our freedom of speech and demonstration. Because, as citizens of a democratic society, we demand to be heard and taken into account by our representatives.
One year ago today that we mobilize thousands of citizens in various ways, with our physical presence or through various social networks, concerned about the treatment of municipal and regional authorities wanted to give an archaeological discovery of great importance, for character and by extension, a finding that will allow us to recover and a highly significant value of our historical past, urban, art and culture. EIGHT CENTURIES
and a year Eight centuries separate us from the Arrixaca Arrabal. 8 centuries ago that we're aware of the Arrixaca Arrabal. The first news of the suburbs dating from the mid twelfth century, when al-Idrisi describes him as a suburb "great and good town that has about itself, a suburb in which lived the XII century Murcia, some streets they walked Alfonso X the Wise.
The passage of time concealed its streets, until 800 years after construction of a parking unearthed it again. This time citizens had the last word, and so demonstrate the December 9, 2009. Today, one year after having avoided destruction, continue to demand their preservation and enhancement.
A year later, the site has not yet been saved. It's been a year of delays and false promises, in the category of BIC as yet declared archaeological site, with some measures of protection late, lacking and incorrect, since the remains are bearing the weight of tons of gravel. A year suffer abuse and neglect of the officials who have left their fate to the site for months one of the wettest winters in the last 60 years.
A year ago, the same officials who today stand as defenders of heritage, qualified for the Platform of "mindless and schizophrenic", and tried to justify the destruction of the Deposit to the public.
Platform warns that the current apathy and the choice of the gravel may have equally dire consequences that were avoided on December 9, 2009.
After making the lining of the remains of inappropriately, we believe that this again has completely abandoned the archaeological site. The plants have grown back, the geotextile has been broken up in various parts of the excavation and stagnant water remains a critical problem remains. Denounce why are not carrying out inspection and maintenance work as specified in the draft and once again covering the administration continues to divert attention and giving a vision of reality very distorted.
Clear evidence of this neglect and this passivity in the resort of San Esteban, is that today, a year later, virtually all of the claims of the Civic Platform have still not been addressed. Our current struggle is therefore now more than ever, because we strongly believe that the Administration continue ignoring the proposals that we consider appropriate and have been advised by a broad set of experts. Those responsible for the attempted destruction of the site siuen trying to take over the success of measures that public pressure has forced them to take.
The claims of the Civic Platform, which will not cease until full compliance, are as follows:
- The immediate notification of the site as a Cultural (BIC) and as an archaeological site, since the administrative to do so for months to pass.
- Recovery of the Heritage Advisory Councils, to ensure the citizen when making decisions in this area. Something that President Ramón Luis Valcárcel community pledged at the meeting with the platform in January. A promise that has not met and therefore we again remind and to claim publicly.
- The design of a master plan that, by pooling the views of archaeologists, restorers and architects, to organize the different phases of work that will lead to appropriate musealization and value.
- Provision of a special budget for San Esteban, in these uncertain economic times need not be spectacular, but it must ensure that the site is kept alive.
- The resumption of its legitimate excavation directors, as the committee of experts recommended in the first meeting on January 11, 2010.
- set to assume political responsibility for mistakes and thus restore damaged credit of our institutions.
- The reversion of land to the Autonomous Region for more efficient management of the Reservoir, something that the president also pledged Valcárcel and has not been met. We therefore are met and the conditions for such a reversal. In
short, and finally, as citizens of a democratic society, we demand to be heard and taken into account by our representatives.
demand that public authorities, municipal and regional levels, taking the necessary steps for the conservation and museological Reservoir of San Esteban. For the city and the region of Murcia to rescue a very important part of its historical past and bequeath the best possible condition for future generations.
Murcia, December 9, 2010

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