Monday, November 1, 2010

How Long Can It Take To Recover From Pleurisy

3rd cycle Games - Games Primary 3rd cycle, 2nd cycle

¡Domina los adverbios con estos divertidos ejercicios!
Conoce y describe a los animales, ya sean pequeños como las moscas o criaturas enormes como leones o ballenas.
¿Quién es el/la más alt@ de tus amig@s? ¿Qué amig@ es más rápid@ que tú? Encuentra la forma de expresar cuestiones como éstas aquí.
Learn geography and connecting countries to discover the world in which we live.
Every activity you do have an English name. Find her in these activities.
FEATURES Geographical
Deserts, mountains, islands, rivers ... our world is full of wonderful places. Check them out here!
All signals and lights you see on the street every day have an English word equivalent.
What would you do when you grow up? Maybe you want to be doctor, or Science @? Check out the possibilities here.
Learn to express ordinal numbers such activities drag and drop.
Learn to express yourself in the past with these activities.
Master the most important prepositions with these simple exercises.
We are surrounded by technological devices. Learn how to name them!
Learn useful expressions with stories and games offered by this module.


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