The Civic Platform for the Defence of the Archaeological Heritage San Esteban, in the meeting convened with President Valcárcel in relation to the palace complex and Andalus district of San Esteban, whose archaeological excavation so far has uncovered a palace complex founded in the twelfth century, a mosque, a cemetery and a neighborhood the suburb of Arrixaca consists of a hundred houses and streets of the XII and XIII.
Given the current state of neglect in which the site lies and the damage the rains begin to bring in some of the structures, the Civic Platform claims that: 1 .-
Immediate action for the effective protection of Deposit: We must continue the excavation archaeological, led by current technical directors (Alfonso Robles and José Sánchez Pravia) should immediately consolidate and protect what is already dug to protect it until its value, you must continue the excavation work must continue and be carry out urgent actions covering with tarpaulins or other systems that archaeological coaches decide. It is essential to the specification set aside for burying initiated by the city of Murcia. 2 .-
immediate Declaration of Cultural Interest in the category of archaeological site in the shortest time that legal proceedings as prescribed by law force.
3 .- Autonomous Community to assume its responsibilities, recovering title to the land of San Esteban, and take charge of the excavation, conservation. Murcia City Council should not take any action to be carried out for excavation, consolidation and enhancement of the palace complex and Andalus district of San Esteban. 4 .-
Urgent amendment of the autonomous budget for 2010 in the development of a Special Budget for site excavation, conservation, and prevent weather damage to the excavated structures.
5 .- The urgent creation of a Heritage Advisory Council, with representation of different social actors, in which we citizens feel represented by the participation of the Civic Platform in the Advisory Council. In this sense, San Esteban should be a turning point to change the course of the current regional policy on Historical and Cultural Heritage. 6 .-
the Civic Platform is represented in the Foundation to be created to manage the site through their presence on the Governing Board of the Foundation.
7 .- Do not start the public competition for the palace complex and Musealisation Andalus district of San Esteban, inasmuch as the report has not Archaeological end, after the conclusion of the full excavation to ensure that all elements are known before starting the process of its value through the museological. 8 .-
immediate creation of a "Technical Committee" composed of at least one architect-restorer-archaeologist heritage service and the two current directors of the excavation, to monitor the excavation and decision making.
9 .- Participation of the Civic Platform in the Committee of Wise Men, which also is imperative that included the Official College of Architects.
10 .- That the Regional Government responsibilities debug on the erroneous decisions that have led the December 9, 2009 began the dismantling of structures on the site and, after strong pressure from citizens, was suspended by court order.
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