The Civic Platform took advantage of the large influx of visitors over the weekend to promote the site of St. Stephen as a forward-looking, attractive for cultural tourism in the Region of Murcia.
Throughout the morning and early afternoon, members of the Civic Platform explained to the visitors of the stand of the Region of Murcia the important discovery of the palace complex and Andalus district of San Esteban. In addition, the participants explained that this important site will musealized, and may be one of the best assets for the candidacy of Murcia as European Capital of Culture in 2016.

Civic Platform in Defence Heritage San Esteban Archaeological came this weekend to Madrid to visit FITUR.
arpovecharon also to promote the Region of Murcia as a major cultural tourism destination, through one of its most recent discoveries, which can be converted into one of the main attractions for the future: The Andalusian palace complex and Barrio de San Esteban .
A dozen members of the Civic Platform explained to the visitors of the stand, with the help of images, the salient points emerged from the interesting archaeological site in San Esteban, and how President Valcárcel has decided what to keep and museumization .
also took the opportunity to remember the candidacy of Murcia "European Capital of Culture 2016", which probably would be strengthened by an important field and a time from which few traces remain of this magnitude in the MUNICIPALITY candidate.

The interest in this field among the participants to stand in the Region of Murcia is a clear reflection of how important it can be to promote tourism in the Region of Murcia the conservation and enhancement of our cultural heritage.