The origins are as uncertain as that said to bring bad luck and the reasons may be numerous.
Perhaps because twelve is considered the number of integrity as demonstrated by the fact that 12 months in the year, 12 hours, 12 apostles, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 gods on Olympus, etc. So perhaps, in return, the 13 is an imperfect number of bad omen.
If in addition to all this, the number we add a day of the week we will also win, have resulted in the complete superstition. In Spain, Latin America and Greece on Tuesday harmful are . Motives? For too many, and pilgrims. One is that according to legend, was on a Tuesday there was thirteen when the confusion of tongues at Babel .
Jesus was the assistant 13 at the Last Supper and does need to count as finished. Also is chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation for the antichrist and Satan was the angel number 13. There are also other types of beliefs as the Cabal lists 13 evil spirits in the Nordic legends 13 guest was the evil spirit and the letter number 13 Tarot represents death.
If in addition to all this, the number we add a day of the week we will also win, have resulted in the complete superstition. In Spain, Latin America and Greece on Tuesday harmful are . Motives? For too many, and pilgrims. One is that according to legend, was on a Tuesday there was thirteen when the confusion of tongues at Babel .
There is also a medieval origin, when a Tuesday in 1453 Constantinople fell in the hands of the infidels. This coupled with the relationship of Tuesdays with Mars (pagan god of war) that Christianity was considered from then a damn day.
superstitions But this is on neighborhoods and if we look at the Anglo-Saxon days there Friday bad are and its origin is also in the middle ages when a Friday 13, 1307, were captured a few major Knights Templar and began a fierce persecution of the order.
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