Did you Know ... The Meaning of FIFA? - Did you know the meaning of FIFA?
Contrary to what most people think and many "journalists" say, the acronym
"FIFA" does not mean "International Federation of Association Football" but "the International Federation of Football Association , which is somehow a tribute to the original name of this sport.
Indeed, initially
football was known not as "soccer" to dry but as "Association Football", devenía name of the first association that governed the sport in the world: the Football Association (FA) British, established in 1863.
When naming and this discipline, which was achieved was just clarifying that it was "football" that proclaimed the FA, ie one in which was only allowed to use feet, not that "football "plain already played earlier in the United Kingdom as a discipline, not having virtually rules, many also practiced hands.
that football Sticks of primitive or "prehistoric" came almost simultaneously two formal branches reaching defined dissemination and finished with time: on the one hand, the Football Association or Football played only with the feet, which proposed that educational institutions grouped in the British FA, on the other, that of "Rugby Football", or played on the approach taken by the University of Rugby, which of course favored the use of hands .
That's why at the founding of FIFA in 1904 in France, it was decided to put as the name
"Internationalle Federation of Football Association , which was clarified that
going to be an international governing body in charge of any kind not of "football", but precisely that promoted by the British FA or could only be played with the feet .
Over time, of course, that distinction was misleading, since the game began to be known simply as "football" and not "football association." But as FIFA itself decided to leave his name the name of sport in its original form, it is wrong to unilaterally decide to go against that and to attribute to the symbol a different meaning, translating it in a completely unpredictable and outside the real sense as .
To respect that meaning precisely correct translation "complete" the acronym FIFA could be
"International Federation of Association Football" , because in a start this sport is also called him and (Football Association) in Latin America.
also could be said to dry "world football" , and that it would fulfill the goal with the last two words in the name of the body, which is none other than
reflect the name of sport regulated internationally by FIFA .
In my opinion, also the right thing would be to translate the acronym for the way they did at the beginning, ie as "Federation International de Football Association, FIFA itself as somehow decided to do so by to keep the original name of sport in its name. What is
clear, in short, is that
IN ANY WAY IS RIGHT call FIFA's International Football Association Federation ", an error unfortunately widespread for many journalists who pride themselves on serious and know much about it but actually do not know much or are so serious.
In fact, if you stop to think it will be "Associate" is just an attempt to give some meaning to that last "A" of the acronym for ignoring what it really is, and neither adds to nor detracts from the term "world football" but that only becomes confusing, making a "clarification" completely bland and devoid of real meaning.
Or do they know any place where you play football, "decoupled"?
(Input taken from http://estebanbekerman.blogspot.com/2007/05/qu-quiere-decir-fifa.html